A Firefighter’s Thoughts: Accountability
“many are called but few are chosen” Matthew 22:14
The ultimate role of a firefighter is to leave a mark on the system not just a memory.
How is this accomplished?
Is it by certification, awards, and the creation of new programs or innovations?
These are all admirable but there is one other way to pay dividends that you cannot even imagine.
It is called accountability.
In the fire service we understand the importance of the responsibility entrusted to us.
This is the model of trust between the Incident Commander and the firefighters that they will be obedient to the commander ís instructions.
Think about this:
- To whom and what are you accountable for?
- How great is this responsibility?
- To whom are we accountable to?
These roles may include: husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and firefighter.
These are just a few but they hold immense influence on those around them.
Called For a Purpose
God has placed specific individuals in your path for a reason. You were created for a purpose.
This purpose is to serve Him and your fellow man. Does this sound like the mission of a firefighter?
If we stop long enough to ponder the true meaning of our calling we may find an even deeper understanding of who truly called us.
God Bless & Stay Safe,